Monday, June 04, 2007

Stockwell updates us on Halfway House numbers ? (Full Article) About the author...Stockwell Day is the Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Coquihalla and Minister of Public Safety in the federal Conservative government.

'And I also had a chance to tell the Pres of the University of California and an associate (traveling with Arnold) about our Corrections system. You see in Canada, with about the same population as California (over 30 million) we have around 13,000 people inside federal prisons and about the same in community half-way houses. Guess how many inmates in Cal State Prisons? Brace yourself. It's 170,000! That's right. One hundred and seventy thousand. They wanted to exchange notes and we didn’t have much time to talk so I left them my card. Welcome to the Hotel California. '
Federal Offender Population
As of April 11, 2004 there were:
12,413 offenders incarcerated in federal institutions (64.1%)
offenders under supervision in the community (35.9%)

Federal Offenders in Institutions includes men and women offenders serving a federal sentence (two years or more) in federal or provincial institutions. Federal Offenders in the Community includes federal offenders actively supervised on day parole, full parole or statutory release.
Don Quixote Note: Of the 6937 in the Community ONLY a portion of these would be in halfway houses. Looks like Minister Day has more up to date statistics and the number of persons in a halfway house has almost doubled in under 3 years ? Or he might have have used a little hyperbole as he met with Arnold !

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