Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Civic complex moving ahead

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jul 11 2007

More major decisions on a proposed library/office building have been made, and one Vernon councillor doesn’t believe that should surprise anyone. On Monday, council awarded an architectural services contract to CEI Architecture Planning Interiors and Diamond and Schmitt Architects for a yet-to-be-determined cost. The quantity surveying contract went to Spiegel, Skillen and Associates for a fixed fee of $103,000.

An alternate approval petition process doesn’t begin until July 15 to garner public approval to borrow $20 million. But Coun. Buffy Baumbrough insists that doesn’t preclude the city from proceeding with planning. “Whether we’d gone to counter-petition or a referendum, the question would be the same — will you allow us to borrow money,” she said. “Council has been upfront that the project is going ahead.” However, Coun. Barry Beardsell, who has wanted a referendum, voted against issuing the contracts prior to the alternate approval process beginning July 15. “I’m totally opposed to this because it hasn’t gone to the public,” he said. “There is a disregard for the rights of the public.” City officials have stated in past that an alternate approval process is a legal form of determining public opinion and there isn’t enough time for a referendum because Okanagan Regional Library wants a financial commitment and senior government grants could be lost. Baumbrough says the city has been completely upfront. We’ve had three open houses where people could gather information. The financial implications have been presented to the citizens,” she said. “We’ve done everything we could to provide information to people who are interested in what we are doing.”

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