Monday, July 23, 2007

COW meeting Monday July 23, 2007 (Gilroy and Lippert absent)

What looked like an interesting agenda was shortened when it was announced that BC Lottery Corp. spokesman Greg Walker who was scheduled to provide information regarding local casinos at 10:30 AM had decided not to attend. Counn Beardsell insisted that the item be left on the Agenda for further discussion and the Council approved this by an unanimous vote.
After a brief report By Mrs Val Harrison- Compliance officer re her Annual report to Council about employee complaints under the Whistle Blower Policy which confirmed NO complaints had been received the Council moved on to Inspector McVarnock's Quarterly report. This report can be accessed on the council agenda pkg on the City's website.
Great report from staff re latecomer bylaws and how they are handled and a recommendation on an updating of this important bylaw ensued. The main thing determined was a reiteration that the existing policy of having written agreements in place prior to project approval was essential and provided maximum leverage for the city to protect the interests of the benefiting lots as well as protecting the City's taxpayer from liabilities that can arise from these types of agreements.
About 10:15 the meeting was notified that BC lottery Corp. officials had arrived and would be pleased to meet with Council at the In- Camera portion of the meeting only. After a few more items were debated and a brief recess the four 'suits' from BCLC arrived, passed out their business cards to councilors and a motion to move in-camera was put forward. After a brief and justified rant from Coun. Beardsell about what portion of the proffered information belonged in Camera, the motion passed 4-1 to proceed. Acting Mayor Nichol properly had the sections of the Act read out as is required by the Community Charter. In-Camera satrted at 11 AM.
The Morningstar venerable senior reporter and Don Quixote were shown the door once again.As nothing was subsequently declassfied at the afternoon meeting it appears that no resolutions affecting the gaming issue were passed or could be shown to the public at this point.
Hopefully some of my questions that I posted at Questions I hope to hear at the COW meeting Monday. were asked and answered and will eventually come out in the open.

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