Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I guess we should be happy they don't advertise in BOTH local NEWSPAPERS

Today on Page A6 of the Morningstar the City of Vernon, Regional Library Board and the RCMP published an ad re the New Library/Civic Building and the Alternative Approval Process.This is the 4th ad so far during the Counter Petition Period. (Wed. Friday and Sunday Last Week) Wonder who is paying for these ads and the cost so far ?

The City had 3 public meetings and at least two weeks before the Counter Petition period to explain what the petition was all about and why it should NOT be signed. They also have posted the two legal ads required under the community charter and each form that is signed fully explains the procedure. They also have all this information on their website. The City has had their kick at the can, now the people who oppose this bylaw for whatever reason should have their opportunity to express their opinion without having their own tax dollars spent on unnecessary advertising.

On Monday at the COW meeting Inspector McVarnock in answer to a question from Coun. Beardsell acknowledged that he had authorized the use of the RCMP logo to a staff member for use in the Ad. He had done so because of the need for more office space either in this proposed building or expanding into the present City Hall Basement if that became available. Left unanswered was the question of whether all 3 ad proponents were sharing the costs of these self-interest advertisements or whether as I suspect that it's the property tax payers of Vernon.

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