Sunday, July 08, 2007


INSERTION DATE: Sundays, July 8 and July 15 , 2007
ADVERTISEMENT CONTACT: Patti Bridal, City Clerk TELEPHONE: 250-550-3524

The City of Vernon Council has committed to the construction of a Library /Civic Building on ththe Civic Complex lands located at 3400 30 Street. The Okanagan Regional Library District has committed $9,000,000 to this project. The City of Vernon intends to borrow up to Twenty Million ($20,000,000.) for constructing the Library/Civic Building by way of the “Library and Civic Complex Loan Authorization Bylaw Number 5086, 2007”. This long term borrowing will cost the average home owner approximately $38.00 per year.

City Council may adopt the “Library and Civic Complex Loan Authorization Bylaw Number 5086, 2007” only if it does not receive 10% of Elector Responses opposed to the long term term borrowing Bylaw. An Elector of the City of Vernon, who is opposed to the long term borrowing bylaw , must sign the Alternate Approval Process Elector Response form. The estimated Electors in the City of Vernon is 27,772, therefore 10% of the estimated elector response required to not proceed with the borrowing Bylaw is 2,777.

The Alternate Approval process does not apply to Resident Electors who support the long term borrowing bylaw .

Alternate Approval process Elector Response forms will be accepted only if they are in the the form established by the City of Vernon. The forms are available at City Hall, 3400 30 Street, the Vernon Library Office and the Public Art Gallery, commencing on Monday, July 16 , 2007. Only persons entitled to sign the forms are Electors, within the City of Vernon, who meet the criteria for either a resident elector or non-resident property elector pursuant to sections 50(1) (a) to (e) or 51(1) (a) to (f) of the Local Government Act as follows:

Resident Electors:
  • Must be eighteen years of age or older; and
  • Must be a Canadian citizen; and
  • Must have been a resident of British Columbia for at least six months; and
  • Must have been a resident of the City of Vernon for at least thirty days; and
  • Must not be disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law.

Non-resident (Property) Electors:

  • Must NOT qualify as a Resident Elector of the City of Vernon; and
  • Must be eighteen years of age or older; and
  • Must be a Canadian citizen; and
  • Must have been a resident of British Columbia for at least six months; and
  • Must have been the registered owner of real property in the City of Vernon for at least thirty days; and
  • Must not be disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law; and May only sign an alternative approval process elector response form once, no matter how many parcels the person might own within the City of Vernon.

A Elector must not sign the Alternate Approval Elector Response Form more than once and may not withdraw their name after the August 15 deadline.

The “Library and Civic Complex Loan Authorization Bylaw Number 5086, 2007” and background information is available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk, 3400 – 30 Street, Vernon, BC, during regular office hours. All information will also be available on the City’s website at All Alternative Approval Elector Response forms OPPOSING THE BORROWING bylaw, must be received by the City Clerk, 3400 – 30 Street, Vernon, BC, V1T 5E6 on or before 4:30 p.m. on August 15th, 2007.

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