Friday, July 27, 2007

Private meeting upsets Beardsell

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jul 27 2007

A Vernon politician is furious a meeting with the B.C. Lottery Corporation occurred behind closed doors. Four corporation officials were scheduled to attend a public committee of the whole session Monday. But they refused to take part in that meeting, and would only agree to speak to city council in private. “They had virtually nothing to say that was confidential except maybe on lease costs and survey results,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. “I don’t see anything in the handout that refers to an in-camera item.” Beardsell had been demanding a meeting with the corporation since February and he believes Monday’s delegation is related to Lake City Casino’s proposed expansion. “Now that they want something, they send a public relations person,” he said.

Beardsell is concerned about the operating agreement for Lake City Casino. Prior to providing 10 per cent of revenue to the city, a casino is allowed to set aside expenditures for facility upgrades. Beardsell insists the money should only be related to the local casino but the B.C. Lottery Corporation has extended the policy to all casinos owned by Lake City’s parent company and that means less money going towards the city. “They (lottery corporation) are robbing the city and they don’t want to talk about it,” he said. Until he has answers to his questions, Beardsell hopes the city will refuse to approve a new casino location. “If I have my way, council will say that it will discuss the matter once prior agreements are worked out,” he said. About $63.2 million was spent on all forms of gambling in Vernon last year, including casino, bingo and lottery tickets. “What is it doing to the economy? So little of it comes back to the local economy,” said Beardsell, who is also concerned about the impact on families and individuals. “There are more incidents of gambling than they (corporation) want to let on.” Officials with the B.C., Lottery Corporation would not comment about the meeting with council and Lake City Casino officials could not be reached for comment.

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