Sunday, July 29, 2007

Public process considered

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jul 29 2007

Vernon looks at question and answer period with public. A never-used policy that allows the public to speak at council meetings could be scrapped by Vernon city hall. Staff asked council Monday to repeal a policy that created a question and answer period in which citizens could have access to city officials at regular council meetings. “We haven’t done this for a number of years,” said Patti Bridal, clerk. The policy was initiated by former mayor Wayne McGrath in 1999, but it disappeared during Sean Harvey’s administration. “The previous mayor and administrator did not want this policy and it got buried,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane.

Cochrane spoke in favour of resurrecting the question and answer period, saying it would provide easier access for residents than requesting to be a formal delegation. “The policy should be promoted. I have no problem with people making comments or asking questions at the end of the meeting,” he said. Cochrane was supported by Coun. Juliette Cunningham, who referred urgent issues such as homelessness and how being added to the formal agenda takes time. “Sometimes you need an opportunity as the public to bring something forward,” she said. But Coun. Barry Beardsell expressed reservations about the question and answer period, partly because it could lengthen council meetings. “The delegation situation is sufficient and I haven’t seen people turned away,” he said. A decision was deferred until all council members are present to discuss the matter.

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