Sunday, July 15, 2007

Quebec smokes rest of Canada in pot use
David Johnston, CanWest News Service; Montreal GazettePublished: Sunday, July 15, 2007

MONTREAL -- Were it not for prodigious pot use in Quebec, Canada would not have placed first in a United Nations drug study of marijuana use in the industrialized world. In fact, were Quebec a sovereign nation, it would have finished first ahead of Canada, according to a breakdown of the data supplied by Canada for the UN study. The biggest difference between Quebec and the rest of Canada is seen in the youngest age groups. According to the Health Canada's 2002 Youth Smoking Survey, which looked at marijuana as well as tobacco, 32 per cent of students in Grades 7 to 9 in Quebec have smoked marijuana at least once.That compares with 18 per cent in British Columbia, which ranked second in Canada, and 11 per cent in Ontario, which ranked lowest among provinces and territories.

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