Sunday, July 08, 2007

Some possible Questions for Corrections Canada on Monday July 9

In an article Sisters caution risks of halfway house there is a paragraph:
Officials from Corrections Canada will be on the city council agenda July 9. “They have questions they want clarified,” said Lisa Bayne, community engagement co-ordinator. Bayne is not aware of the letter written by Barth and Maitland, but believes there is a need in Vernon for a halfway house. “We are trying to provide more structure to offenders living in Vernon and a halfway house provides structure. The reality is they are living in Vernon right now,” she said.

Don Quixote Questions that Council should ask at this meeting:
  1. There are 42 cases being handled by the 2(?) federal parole officers in Vernon. What is the status of these parolees? (i.e Full Parole, Day Parole, Statutory Release,)
  2. How many of these 42 could actually be assigned to a halfway house now? (Already answered to media?: 'Lang confirmed that there are 42 parolees already in Vernon, but none of them would be eligible for the halfway house, meaning that residents of the house would be new to Vernon.' Corrections vows to work with city
  3. The CAB Report recommends that "There should not be any more than two (2) statutory release paroles in the residence at any one time exclusive of the 2 emergency beds". Can we conclude that the balance of 10 beds would only be filled by screened day parolees?
  4. There are basically only 3 types of day paroles that have the requirement for the parolee to return to a halfway house each night. (6 months before 1/3 of sentence up before possible full parole release, 6 months before 2/3 of sentence up before Statutory release, and 3 years before full sentence up for 2nd degree murder .) What type of day parolees will be eligible to reside in the Vernon Halfway House?
  5. The CAB Report recommends that: 'In the event, a parolee is UAL (unlawfully at large) from the CRF the parole officer will immediately release the offenders name and photograph to the RCMP with the expectation it will be released to the media' (a)What is the definition of UAL? How long etc? (b) why can't this info be immediately reported to media and put on websites etc.? (c) to get around the 'Privacy' issue that the RCMP seems to point to as an excuse not to notified the public can we not make it a condition of residency in our halfway house that the parolee confirms in writing that he waives any privacy concerns and acknowledges that a photo etc will immediately be sent out to all possible outlets if he violates his halfway house responsibilities?
  6. The CAB Report recommends that: 'The City of Vernon will employ, on a full-time basis, a Police Liaison officer(PLO) sworn as a special constable with the RCMP and answerable to the Operations NCO of the Vernon RCMP detachment.' (a) Will the cost of this officer be borne and continue to be borne by the federal government? (b) As this officer is one of only 2 in the province and covers a vast territory in his duties and is merely stationed in Vernon to satisfy the CAB's recommendation could he be pulled out of here? (c) Will he be reassigned if the Council and Citizens of Vernon decide not to reestablish a halfway house.
  7. The CAB Report recommends that: "A hard Copy of the (CAB)report be made available to citizens at the City of Vernon offices and posted for download on the City website'. Although the full report is available at COW AGENDA BACKUP (p.100-110) it has never been formally published or accepted by council. Will this report be posted shortly and available for public if Council goes ahead?
  8. It appears that the Corrections Canada report will be withheld until after the trial of Mr Fish for the murder of Mr Abramenko. Will it also be withheld until after the trial of Mr. Fish for the murder of Jeffrey Drake ?

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