Thursday, July 05, 2007

Special Council Meeting with Provincial Ministers This Morning.

The Special Council meeting started this morning at 9 AM after Don Quixote and Richard Rolke of the Morningstar were required to leave as the meeting moved from an open one as is required under the Community Charter to an In Camera meeting after the required resolution was passed. (Technically they forgot to state in open session under what sections of the Act that the meeting was to be closed but this was a minor stumble.) The purpose of the meeting is unknown as at this time and the only ones left in the room with Council (Cochrane absent) and staff were Minister of Community Services and Minister Ida Chong and Minister of Children and Family Development Tom Christensen and their respective aide(s).

I was hoping to see a large novelty cheque but I spotted none. The press table was heaped with a selection of pastries and fruit for the long grueling session that would ensue. Apparently there would be helicopter flight(s) after the meeting but who was to be on which helicopter and what they would be looking at was not discussed at the open portion of council.

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