Sunday, August 05, 2007

Armstrong lands $1.4 million

By richard rolke Morning Star Staff Aug 05 2007
Armstrong taxpayers are getting a significant break from the federal government. The city learned Friday that it will receive $1.4 million in federal gas tax revenue — the entire cost of upgrades to the Fortune Creek water treatment plant. “We are over the moon about this. This is an incredible announcement,” said Jerry Oglow, Armstrong’s mayor. And unlike other government grant programs that only cover part of the project cost, Armstrong residents won’t be on the hook for anything. “It’s nice to see it (gas tax) come back into communities in a meaningful way,” said Oglow. As part of the upgrade, ultraviolet treatment will be added to the Fortune Creek plant. “It’s needed here. We have an excellent system but this will take us further down the road in terms of providing water,” said Oglow. While there haven’t been any problems, the goal of the improvements is to avoid any boil water advisories. Design work for the project is anticipated to begin this fall although Oglow isn’t sure when construction will get under way.

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