Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bylaw Noise Enforcement

by Rachael Kimola - August 11, 2007 Castanet
Respect your neighbours and your community by keeping the noise down. Or face a fine. RCMP, By-law services and the City of Vernon are responding to an increased number of noise complaints this summer. Corporal Henry Proce says the main culprits appear to be drivers who have massive “boom-boxes” in their vehicles. “These boxes resonate to such a degree that they simply overwhelm persons or residences as they pass by. Vernon has a by-law in place which has a $200 penalty for drivers with vehicles that disturb the peace,” says Proce. He says municipal noise by-laws have been in place for years to counter loud parties and stereo’s in residential areas. “The applicable fine is $100 and both police and by-law enforcement officers are now routinely serving these tickets, as opposed to issuing verbal warnings that go unheeded. There is also a section in the Motor Vehicle Act with respect to unnecessary vehicle noise. This section applies to the squealing of tires and loud engines or exhausts on cars and motorcycles. The applicable fine under the MVA is $109.” He says as the City grows and populations increase, noise pollution increases proportionally. “The public is simply asked to keep excessive vehicular and residential noise to a minimum out of respect for everyone in the community.” He says those deliberately flaunting the existing laws with respect to excessive and unnecessary noise face prosecution and stiff financial penalties.

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