Thursday, August 30, 2007

SALMON ARM – The development of Lakemount, in the Columbia-Shuswap Regional District, will have access to clean, safer drinking water and better fire protection thanks to $633,332 in federal and provincial government funding for a new water system, Colin Mayes MP for Okanagan-Shuswap, and Shuswap MLA George Abbott, announced today.

“This investment delivers a sustainable water source to the development, and reflects the commitment of Canada’s New Government to encourage action on things that matter most to Canadians – a clean, safe and healthy environment for our citizens,” said Mayes.

The Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (CBCMRIF) grant, will help pay for a new water system that includes intake works from a better quality water source, an enhanced distribution system, dual disinfection and a protected storage reservoir. A total of 45 households will be connected to the more reliable municipal water service and will be served by new fire hydrants.

“It is important that British Columbians have access to a healthy supply of clean drinking water and this funding will serve to end a long-term boil water advisory that has been in place here,” said Abbott. “I’m pleased our partnership with the federal government and the regional district on this project also ensures a water system that offers better fire protection for residents.”

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