Wednesday, August 22, 2007

City admits civic complex plan defeated

By Vernon Daily Courier staff Wednesday , August 22, 2007

The people have spoken and apparently the mayor is listening. Wayne Lippert said the counter petition process showed people do not want the city to borrow $20 million to build a library/civic complex. The counter petition needed 2,777 names to defeat the plan. Organizers came up with 6,000. Lippert said the names were confirmed up to the 2,777 point and the petition is now official and the plan to borrow the money without public say is no longer an option. The city clerk was legally required to count to the 2,777 mark, but Lippert said there was obviously no point in counting past that number. The library came up with $9 million for the project and Lippert said his personal opinion is the city should step aside, scrap the plans for the civic complex that would house city offices, RCMP offices and others, and let the library get on with building their new centre. ""My thoughts are this is a clear message we should not bother with the complex and let the library build," he said Tuesday. Lippert stressed that this is his own view and not that of his fellow councillors. Council will have the final say in what happens with the proposal. An open council meeting is planned for Friday where they will discuss the issue. Lippert expects the meeting will start around 10 a.m., following a meeting about downtown security.

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