Monday, August 27, 2007

City may call for a referendum

By NATALIE BANK Monday, August 27, 2007

Some city councillors are hoping the next step in the creation of a new library/civic complex will be a referendum. That move would make the local taxpayers group happy, but only if it was accompanied by a cost-benefit analysis. In a special meeting on Friday, council rescinded the alternate approval to borrow $20 million for the complexÕs construction after more than 6,000 people signed a petition opposing the bylaw. Coun. Patrick Nicol said he recognizes the anger some residents had over the approval process, and believes the best move now is a referendum. "There should be a referendum and all communities should have an opportunity to talk about the price of this and what's to be gained and what's to be lost and give everybody a say in a democratic referendum."

Andy Danyliu, who speaks for the Vernon and District Taxpayers Association, said they would like to see a referendum only after the public receives more information. "If a new library is in fact needed, what still remains to be done, and that must accompany a referendum, is a cost-benefit analysis as to why a new library is needed at this time. What are the needs, pressures and demand for doing it?" Danyliu also said it's important the complex plans coincide with Vernon's community plan.

Nicol, however, said for all the work that's been done over the last three years, he hopes movement can continue, rather than stop on the official community plan. "You can wait forever, but if you have a land opportunity and money available, you have to give people a chance to at least have a say,'Ó he said. Some councillors agree with Nicol about the need for a new library, while others support progress with certain parts of the potential complex, like an art gallery or cultural facility. Over the summer the taxpayers association was a driving force behind the petition to counter the city borrowing money to build the complex through an alternative approval process. City council will discuss the issue again at their regular meeting this afternoon.

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