Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dispute erupts over patrols

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 26 2007

A considerable rift is developing over security issues in downtown Vernon. Council received information Friday on what security services are currently provided downtown, and that further heightened differences of opinion between Coun. Juliette Cunningham and the Downtown Vernon Association. The DVA is calling for the city to take over funding of foot patrols either through the Commissionaires or city staff. But Cunningham questions the need. “Why should the general taxpayer subsidize business to ensure their staff feel safe?” she said of the Commissionaires escorting downtown workers to their vehicles. The DVA insists the city has a responsibility in ensuring those who work and shop downtown are safe. “Many of the city’s most valuable assets are downtown, including city hall, the city plaza and the library,” said Earl Hansen, executive director.

“Downtown typically has the largest population of homeless who are preyed upon by criminals.” The DVA has paid for the Commissionaires to patrol downtown and it would like the city to contribute $30,000 to cover the remainder of the year. But Cunningham insists putting more money towards enforcement isn’t the answer when dealing with drug addiction and the homeless. “If we’re not going to put resources into the underlying causes, it will never end,” she said, adding that she is disappointed with the views of some business owners. “All they want is to get the homeless out of their face and that’s not acceptable. This is a community problem and it needs a community solution,” she said. In speaking to council, DVA vice-president Nola Neilson stated that homelessness is a separate issue from security. “If people are afraid to come and shop, we won’t be there,” she said.

But that brought a sharp retort from Cunningham, who owns a business downtown. She says merchants must be responsible for their staff’s safety. The DVA and the Commissionaires, though, did have some support. “We need to stay vigilant. We have made good progress together,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol. Council was made aware of initiatives by the RCMP, the Safe Communities Unit and bylaw enforcement and Coun. Buffy Baumbrough believes that should be considered when considering the DVA request. “What the RCMP is doing fits the goals of the DVA,” she said.

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