Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Dumping on O’Keefe

By Richard Rolke Aug 01 2007

The North Okanagan Regional District has finally revealed what it truly thinks of O’Keefe Ranch. Not satisfied with just heritage buildings and tourists plunking down hard-earned dollars, NORD wants to add soggy cedar branches, dried-up flowers and funky grass clippings. With financial shortfalls at the ranch reaching a critical point, NORD has shockingly proposed a composting facility as a potential revenue generator. Now don’t get me wrong, composting is a wonderful way of reducing the amount of waste going into landfills. In fact, I have my own compost box right in the backyard. But I can’t believe NORD is actually serious about this concept. Perhaps smelling all of those decomposing apple peels has got to them. The reality is that O’Keefe Ranch is the premiere historic attraction in the North Okanagan and it draws thousands of people every year from around the world. They come to bask in the heritage of the buildings, to throw themselves back in time ever so briefly. It’s highly unlikely you’ll ever hear a tourist say, “After checking out St. Anne’s Church, let’s look at the mould on some old potato plants.”

Historically, composting would have occurred at the ranch. Whether it was household food waste or manure, nothing would have been wasted. But not every aspect of pioneer life needs to be repeated. If it was, tourists would be familiarizing themselves with the Eaton’s catalogue in an outhouse. Perhaps I am reading too much into things but this appears to be just another indication that NORD doesn’t take the ranch seriously. Of course this is the same organization that committed itself to taking over the ranch from the City of Vernon and funding its activities. But instead, virtually every member jurisdiction has opted out of the function, meaning the reservoir of money has slowed to an absolute trickle. And yet this is the time that O’Keefe requires intense support. Through the leadership of manager Tom Danyck, president Rod Drennan and the rest of the board, a firm financial plan has been developed, including a way to become self-sufficient and to wean itself off the public purse. But to proceed with those plans, an infusion of cash is required, especially $750,000 for construction of an RV park. However, the proposed RV park is on the same land being eyed by NORD for a compost pile. And what will serve the ranch’s long-term interests better — the miracle of decomposition and an annual rent cheque from NORD or something that taps into the lucrative RV market and the ranch’s proximity to Vernon, the Spallumcheen Golf and Country Club and the Sun Valley Speedway? I know where I’d be placing my bets.

O’Keefe Ranch is seeking $1.1 million from the city and NORD for a variety of projects, and while the city has shown leadership with emergency funding of $114,000, don’t hold your breath for NORD to act. Ultimately, the regional district’s proposal for a composting facility at O’Keefe is a pathetic response to a serious situation, and lacks no vision. In fact, if any composting should occur, let the NORD report into the matter be the first thing on the pile.

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