Friday, August 17, 2007

Eastside Road development in limbo despite support

By roger knox Morning Star Staff Aug 17 2007

Vernon council is no closer to finalizing plans for a proposed development at the old Paraiso Point campground on Eastside Road. At issue was a report on a proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment and rezoning application for the property, located at 9650 and 9609 Eastside Road, by Ekistics Town Planning. Council was informed of results from a public input session and other responses to the planned changes. A total of 212 comment sheets were received from neighbourhood and outside the neighbourhood areas, with overwhelming support for both amendments. The city’s report informed council that support responses stated that “the overall conceptual plans represent a development that is more conducive to the character of the neighbourhood than the current use.” Support for expansion of city services to the development and subsequent economic spin-off for the city was also noted. The big concern about the development is traffic, and related noise, congestion and parking from the proposed beachhouse part of the project.

The city also received two petitions, one asking council to reject any rezoning, and one supporting the application but with several conditions. An Interior Health representative also voice non-support for the project, saying it will “create additional sprawl.” Coun. Barry Beardsell believed council should delay a decision until the OCP is completed. “The public is totally upset with planning and development that has gone on in this city,” said Beardsell, who had an ally in fellow Coun. Juliette Cunningham. “I haven’t changed my mind, I have a fundamental problem with the change,” she said. “This might not be the best use of the property. I understand why there is support, the people will get access to water and get fire safety.”

Talks heated up when it came time to vote on a motion to defer the applications until the OCP is completed. With councillor Pat Cochrane absent, the vote on the motion was split, with Couns. Patrick Nicol, Jack Gilroy and Mayor Wayne Lippert opposed. Nicol moved that the motion be deferred to the next council meeting, a move that angered Beardsell. “Why don’t we deal with this today?” he asked. “We’re here today dealing with council business.” “It’s just going to result in split votes all the time,” replied Nicol. “We’re not going to be able to resolve it. I think it’s that simple.” Nicol’s motion also ended in a split vote, resulting in its defeat. “Because there was no motion either way that could win, and there was no other motion or solution brought forward, it cannot be dealt with, so it will be brought forward to the next council meeting when all of the councillors are here,” said Mayor Lippert. “It will come forward for another chance.”

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