Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Facilitator Called in to Resolve Service Issues

(Jessica Samuels)
Greater Vernon politicians are teaming up to address some local issues. 16 politicians will be holding a joint meeting to resolve outstanding service concerns. Service review meetings have taken place over the past few month to address issues with water,parks and rec, and tourism and economic development. NORD Chair Jerry Oglow and GVS Chair Gary Corner both say these meetings have been helpful but have solved nothing. The Greater Vernon Governance Service Review Committee will convene a meeting and bring in a facilitator to expedite some resolution. No date for the meeting has been set.
Don Quixote Note: Just weeks after voting themselves a 300% pay hike retroactive to the start of the year for the NORD eight municipal directors from $1,523 a year to $6,240, with the five electoral area directors, who also received a pay boost from $5,994 to $6,240, they are calling a mass special meetings under the auspices of the GVSV Service review committee. I wonder how many of the 16 will be entitled to draw the $103 meeting stipend ($1648) ?? (Nord Political Remuneration 2006 ) (before increase).
CORRECTION: The Raise for the municipal Directors kicked in on Aug.8 and was not retroactive. My understanding now is that only the Electoral area director's increase was retroactive. I apologize to any municipal director for suggesting he was feeding at the trough retroactively.
RE CORRECTION: At Aug 27 Council meeting it was confirmed by R. Rolke after a confirmation by NORD that the Director's increase WAS RETROACTIVE to Jan 1. I retract my apology to any municipal director for suggesting he was feeding at the trough retroactively.

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