Friday, August 17, 2007

FOI received

On Aug 16 I received by mail a package dated Aug 13 that contained the agreement that I started requesting under FOI on Jan 3, 2007. The meanderings through the bureaucratic labyrinth are detailed at the link below. Two pages of the report have been withheld as not required because of certain sections of the act and I have 30 days to to appeal if I want to.

I will be examining the 22 page Revenue Agreement signed by the City of Penticton, Lake City Casinos, the BC Lottery Corp (BCLC) and the provincial Government in the summer of 2006 re the South Okanagan Centre and will post later. (Destination Casino Project Development Amendment Agrreement dated March 27,2007).

My total cost was $1.04 for stamps and a lot of e-mails and toll free calls to nudge the process forward. Hell of an experience in getting a FOI through 4 different parties including 2 levels of government and a private sector company. Makes the local FOI through local municipalities seem like a walk in the park.

I started posting my concerns about this agreement in a sep. 5/06 posting SLEIGHT OF HAND and an editorial on sep 7/06 in Vernon Daily Courier called Funding not what it seems
probed further into this deal.

The actual copy of the agreement probably will not produce any new revelations but will confirm the various pieces that are part of the puzzle of how the Provincial government and the BCLC work to introduce more 'gaming' into our province and to keep the 'gaming' revenues spigot flowing. (More posts to follow in next couple weeks.)

FOI Request (Freedom of information ) NEW UPDATE May 31
Jan 3, 2007: Made request by mail to the BCLC. (cost .52 stamp) (Kamloops)
Jan 31, 2007: Made identical request by mail to the City of Penticton. (cost .52 stamp)

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