Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More service review seats sought

By Jennifer DyckMorning Star Staff Aug 15 2007

Review of area services will go nowhere unless more players are brought to the table, say several Coldstream councillors. Service reviews launched by Electoral Areas B and C directors Cliff Kanester and Stan Field were slated to begin Tuesday, but have been postponed. The reviews were to involve the two directors as well as a representative each from the City of Vernon and the District of Coldstream. But that is not enough people to do a suitable job, says Coldstream Coun. Jim Garlick. “I think there’s too few people in the room, there’s too few decision makers in that room to do the job properly,” said Garlick at Coldstream council Monday. Therefore the district is sending letters to the city, Field and Kanester requesting that all councillors and area representatives be a part of all reviews to do with Greater Vernon Services, along with a facilitator. Coun. Glen Taylor agrees that all of council’s participation is needed to ensure a smooth process. “You’ve got some stale players and they’re not moving off their ground.”

The district’s chief administrative officer Wendy Kay agrees. “There is definitely some personality conflicts at the table. I think the only way to resolve it is to have 16 in the room with an outside facilitator.” Field and Kanester have requested reviews of parks and recreation, the performing arts centre, the Multiplex, economic development and, more recently, Greater Vernon governance for efficiencies. It is not known when the reviews will resume, since being cancelled due to time conflicts for several participants. “The last indication I heard is the next meetings won’t be until October,” said Kay. There are also currently reviews underway initiated by the city. Those reviews include water, transit, emergency services and general government. Kanester was not available for comment and Field refused to discuss the appropriateness of how reviews are to be handled until he receives the request letter.

In their request for a Greater Vernon governance review, the two directors write that based on preliminary discussions arising from service reviews “in all likelihood there will be some significant changes to the scope of the services and manner in which services are delivered.” The letter also references a Ministry of Community Services publication called Regional Service Reviews: An Introduction, which states that service reviews are a normal part of all service arrangements and the ministry will help regional districts and municipalities as they refine service delivery, provide information and ease any existing tension over service delivery. Garlick suggests a good start to easing tensions would be to follow the lead of other municipalities who focus more on providing services. “They’re not fighting about who has more people, it’s more about how we’re going to offer the services,” said Garlick, referring to Mission and Abbotsford.

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