Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No action yet on civic complex

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 29 2007

There appears to be a lack of direction when it comes to the future of a proposed library/office building in Vernon. City council was embroiled in significant debate about the matter Monday, but ultimately the only decision that came forward was that it be discussed again before Okanagan Regional Library meets Sept. 19. There was an evident split among those council members who want to go to referendum for $20 million, and others who want to follow a different direction. “I hope we go forward. There should be a say for everyone and I think we should do that,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol, who pushed for a referendum. That was also the view of Coun. Jack Gilroy, who says more information must be provided to the public. “I want to take it to the public and let them vote on it,” he said.
But Coun. Pat Cochrane called for the current plan to be abandoned and for the city to resurrect designs for a cultural complex at the Coldstream Hotel site. “Do we want a vision for the long-term for the community, or do we want to build a three-storey rectangle in a parking lot next to city hall?” he said. Coun. Barry Beardsell insisted that all planning be tabled so the needs of the library can be revisited. “Instead of constructing a Taj Mahal, we could ask the library to extend its hours,” he said. “It’s the library that has pushed this scenario and created anguish in the community.” Beardsell also suggested that RCMP offices could be moved into a sub-station downtown instead of in a new building. Beardsell’s comments brought a strong reaction from Nicol. “The library hasn’t driven this. They couldn’t afford Barry Beardsell’s plan for the Coldstream Hotel,” said Nicol.
Both Councillors Juliette Cunningham and Buffy Baumbrough were concerned about what a referendum would mean for ORL’s push for a new library, and if the agency’s $9 million will be lost if the matter is delayed. “If we go to referendum in February, what does that mean for the library?” said Baumbrough. Council also decided Monday to approach the Greater Vernon Services Committee and the District of Coldstream to see if they would support expanded facilities for the museum and art gallery. Vernon Taxpayers Association representatives observed the debate Monday and they question planning for a new library complex. “They seem so focused on the building but they haven’t justified the need,” said member Glen Canyon.
Despite claims from ORL, Canyon doubts a larger library is required. “You can throw a bowling ball through there most days,” he said.

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