Tuesday, August 28, 2007

No Council Consensus Reached on Library

(Pete McIntyre) http://www.1075kiss.com/news/headlines/

It's going to take more time to determine what happens next with the city of Vernon's proposed library complex.City council debated the issue yesterday and the opinions included councillors Nicol and Gillroy wanting to proceed to a referendum, and Councillor Beardsell wanting to go back to square one to determine if a new library is even needed.Councillor Cochrane would like to see the Coldstream Hotel site reconsidered.Mayor Wayne Lippert says more discussions will be needed.'The motion today was for council to meet as a committee of the whole before the regional library to discuss the different scenarios and hopefully to find solutions and a plan on which way it could go so we can sit down and discuss with the library the best directions.'

While a referendum could technically be held within 90 days, city staff say the earliest date they would recommend would be February to avoid the Christmas period and allow proper time for information and promotion.Glen Kenyon from the Vernon Taxpayers Association also feels more discussion is needed on the need for a new library.'We're hearing information in there of reduction of library usage is the norm and I see that as still continuing. The council seems still focused on building that but they have not justified the need to the community.'Kenyon supports holding a referendum but questions library stats that say an average of 900 people a day use the Vernon facility.

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