Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No Word on Coldstream Sports Complex Cost

(Pete McIntyre)

The chairman of Greater Vernon Services says the cost of a proposed sports complex in Coldstream,won't be released at this time. Gary Corner is responding to a request from the Coldstream Ratepayers Association to put a pricetag on the 120 acres of land, new sports fields, and stadium. 'The cost of the land is still in camera, it is still a pending real estate deal between the ColdstreamRanch and Greater Vernon Services so we don't divulge that until we go through the process to makesure that we can actuall purchase this land from them..' Corner is also rejecting a request to attend the Ratepayers townhall meeting on September 6-th. He says the District's special meeting on the 11-th is the more appropriate venue for the public to attend, when input will be received, and a decision made by council.

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