Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pressure builds for new shelter

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 19 2007

Residents are basking in the hot summer sun, but cold temperatures are just around the corner and that is escalating pressure to find a shelter for Vernon’s homeless. After a potential location fell through in mid-June, attempts to find a site for an emergency facility have been unsuccessful. “There’s just nothing out there that’s suitable,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham, who is working with a number of social agencies. While there was considerable public focus on a shelter a few months ago, that has dissipated, partly because of the arrival of summer. “It’s summer and you may think it’s fine out there, but the issue is nagging at us,” said Cunningham, pointing out that September and its cooler weather is less than a month away. “People are sleeping in parks and other places right now but they will soon be looking for a place to sleep.”
B.C. Housing has committed to financial assistance but the problem has been finding a site for a shelter, whether it is temporary or permanent.

There are specific requirements for a building including a proximity to service agencies downtown and not being near residential neighbourhoods to avoid potential conflicts. “We are also looking for something that will serve both men and women,” said Cunningham. Officials had hoped a shelter should be established temporarily in the old Sigalet building on 32nd Street but that didn’t happen because a tent city developed in the parking lot. Cunningham admits the negative publicity around the tent city has added to the challenge of finding a shelter site, but it raised public awareness about homelessness. “It showed there is a need and it just needs to be managed,” she said.

Shelter situation proves chilling
Aug 19 2007 EDITORIAL
While most people are cuddled up with a blanket, hot chocolate, family and friends, hundreds of Vernon residents just may be left out in the cold this holiday season. Although no one likes to think about it, the nasty chill of winter is just around the corner and the city’s homeless situation is still in crisis. It is easy to put a pin in the issue when the sun is beating down and keeping us all warm, but Jack Frost can’t be held off forever and the threat of freezing is very real for those who have nowhere to call home. It is time to get serious about rectifying the lack of a suitable homeless shelter in Vernon. Sure B.C Housing has committed to providing financial assistance and there were attempts to establish a shelter in the Sigalet building earlier this summer, but when that fell through it seems as though the issue fell to the bottom of the priority list.
The holidays are for giving but they are not the only time our fellow man needs assistance.

Part of the problem is the fact that individuals do not want a shelter anywhere near residential areas. This “not-in-my-backyard mentality” is understandable but disappointing. People fear for their property, their peace and most notably their children, but if we as a society can’t help those in need, what are we teaching the future generation? It is time for city council and the community to take a look at the cold hard facts and stop putting off the issue. Winter is unpleasant but inevitable and if nothing is done, people will suffer.

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