Monday, August 06, 2007

Septic function expands

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Morningstar

Rural Lumby and Cherryville residents are being asked to support a new way of disposing of septic waste. Rick Fairbairn, Area D director, and Eugene Foisy, Area E director, are proposing to join the North Okanagan Regional District’s septic waste treatment service now that the Village of Lumby won’t take the material. “There is quite a short time frame to do this,” said Foisy. The village notified Fairbairn and Foisy July 16 that it would no longer accept septic from their areas as of Aug. 1. The village is experiencing technical processing of such waste and it was impacting the sewer treatment plant’s ability to serve village residents. “We understand and fully support the Village of Lumby decision to terminate this service to ensure their plant continues to function effectively,” said Fairbairn. As a result, though, a new source of disposal is required.

NORD currently operates a septic treatment and disposal facility in Vernon. It is funded by septic users in Vernon, Coldstream, Spallumcheen and rural Enderby. The request from Foisy and Fairbairn to join the function will go before the NORD board Wednesday for consideration. To officially join the function, the existing participants must agree as must the residents of Areas D and E. Foisy is confident his constituents will back the plan. “If we pay as outsiders to use it, it will be two-and-a-half times the rate (if they belonged to the service),” he said. Presently, a parcel tax of $23 a year is charged to all properties on septic in the member communities to fund the service. Foisy believes the addition of Areas D and E will benefit the treatment service. “It helps the Vernon plant because there will be more material to make it pay (operate the facility),” he said. Until Areas D and E officially join the function, NORD is also being asked to accept waste from those areas on an interim basis

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