Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Vernon 2006 Annual Report Available for Pickup at City Hall !

The 2006 Annual Report can be picked up at City Hall. A public input session for comments on this report will be advertised shortly probably for Sept 10.

This Report Contains:
  • Consolidated Financial Statements for 2006. (Full detailed financials should be posted on City's web page shortly.)
  • 2006 Permissive Tax Exemptions
  • Summary of 2006 Year End Financial Results.
  • 2005 Goal and Objectives Final Report (35 goals in total)
  • 2006 Goals and Objectives Restated (19 goals in total)
  • 2007 Goals and Objectives (5 goals in total)
  • 2006 Schedule of Council Remuneration and Expenses
  • 2006 Schedule of Employee Remuneration over $75,000 and expenses.
  • 2006 Vendors paid in excess of $25,000

Shortly online will be posted:

  • Detailed Variance report 2006
  • 2006 Financial Statements
  • 2007-2011 five year plan adopted in early Spring.

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