Friday, August 17, 2007

Vernon Fire - Rescue Services Joins B.C. First Responder Program

Fire Chief Johnny Lysholm is pleased to announce that, effective 6:00 AM Monday, August 20, 2007, Vernon Fire – Rescue Services will commence participation in the B.C. First Responder program as approved by City of Vernon Council.

The primary objective of Vernon Fire-Rescue participation in the First Responder Medical program is to enhance the continuity of pre-hospital patient care provided to the residents in, and visitors to, the City of Vernon. By recognizing that fire department personnel are often available to assist patients prior to arrival of ambulance personnel, basic medical training provides first responders with knowledge and the capability to deal with critical situations involving airway, breathing and/or circulation concerns until higher levels of medical training and equipment arrive.

Firefighters at Vernon Fire-Rescue Services maintain Level III First Medical Responder certification, the highest level available to firefighter first responders. It is estimated that the First Responder Program will result in an additional 1500 responses annually using existing apparatus, equipment and staff, effectively doubling the current emergency response to our community.

Regional BC Ambulance Superintendent Norm Bickel fully endorses the program indicating “the citizens and visitors in Vernon will receive the best response possible because call takers will better match the health concern with the right response and resource, and the municipality can be assured that first responder resources are triggered based on medical needs”. Chief Lysholm is completely confident that full participation in the program is an excellent complement to emergency pre-hospital care and will be an efficient and effective additional level of service.

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