Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What is the value of Council experience ?

http://www.vernon.ca/council/documents/2007/agenda_070827_pkg2.pdf (p.16)

The value of experience in the workplace is usually measured by salary paid to individuals that are performing the same job. In Vernon Council's annual report this is confirmed when on Page 16 of above link we see that the 3 incumbent or experienced Councillors are paid MORE than the 3 novice or Rookie Councillors.
Now this might be subject of debate among the voters on whether experience should be paid more but in the City of Vernon's case the long overdue audited financial statements confirm that this anomaly exists.
There is a poll on the right where you can cast your vote on whether this practice is acceptable to you.
A listing of Council remuneration can also be found at 2006 VERNON ANNUAL REPORT

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