Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Complex focus of meeting

More details about a proposed library/office complex in Vernon could soon be known. Council will hold a workshop Oct. 11 to discuss the future of the planned three-storey complex between the museum and city hall. “There will be actual drawings and there should be costs available then,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. The city’s hopes to borrow $20 million for the project were dashed during the summer when 6,000 people signed an alternate approval petition in opposition. Since then, the city has been trying to determine its next step. Cunningham believes the proposal may ultimately go to referendum.

“It will depend on the costs, design and who will make up that building (tenants),” she said. Coun. Barry Beardsell is still insisting that a number of issues be addressed including why Okanagan Regional Library wants to own its space instead of leasing it, and the decrease in circulation at the Vernon branch. “It’s incumbent on them to give us more information,” he said. But Coun. Patrick Nicol downplayed those concerns, saying that by owning its space, ORL could have some equity. “Many of the libraries that have expanded have increased their circulation,” he said. Coun. Jack Gilroy also aimed his comments at Beardsell, pointing out that Beardsell was the only member of council to oppose the proposed complex by city hall.“Six councillors committed to put it out there. A majority of council wants to get going on it,” he said. Okanagan Regional Library had hoped the city would make a decision on a new library branch by Sept. 30 but it recently agreed to extend the memorandum with the city until Dec. 31.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are too many questions outstanding.

Where is the grant money everyone was talking about? Will this be compromised by one design or another? What grants were there? How much was expected? Did anyone apply?

What is the status of the Library's funding? Do they have the money available? The Library has reserves, are they for this project?

What happens after Dec 31/07? Who will pick up the tab for the hundreds of thousands of consulting and design $s?

If the City finances part of the cost from other reserves, when will those reserves be repaid. I hope those reserve (the ones being borrowed from) have a specific purpose and not just a slush fund.

We need more answers