Friday, September 14, 2007

Council urged to fund social issues

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Sep 14 2007

A Vernon politician is urging the city to get more actively involved in funding social initiatives. Coun. Patrick Nicol is concerned that there isn’t core funding for agencies such as the Social Planning Council and the Partners for a Safe and Healthy Community.“We need to sit down as a council and see how that is arrived at,” he said, adding that there should be committee of the whole discussions about possible city action.And Nicol specifically identified Annette Sharkey, Social Planning Council executive director, and her work on homelessness, attainable housing and child care.

“We would lose a lot if we missed her in the community,” he said.On behalf of the Partners for a Safe and Healthy Community, Sharkey informed council Monday about its activities.Among them has been establishing a 75 per cent discount for people with disabilities at the recreation complex, working towards an emergency homeless shelter, pursing attainable housing through a variety of partnerships and securing space at West Vernon Elementary for child care.Sharkey says all of these issues have a broader impact on the community.“We are looking at what you need to strengthen to prevent crime,” she said.

Funding for Partners for a Safe and Healthy Community has included $20,000 from the City of Vernon and $5,000 from Community Futures.“It’s the best $20,000 the city has spent since I’ve been on council,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.In fact, Cunningham supports Nicol’s view that the city could play a greater role when it comes to supporting social organizations.
“I’d like to see ongoing funding for Partners from the city,” she said.

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