Sunday, September 02, 2007

Project moves ahead

by RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Sep 02 2007

Another major development is in the works for Okanagan Landing. Vernon council gave two readings to a rezoning amendment bylaw Monday that would allow Focus Corporation to construct a three-storey commercial and tourist accommodation complex at 2597 Lakeshore Road. “It’s the beginning of the implementation of the waterfront plan,” said Coun. Buffy Baumbrough, adding that the project has received the endorsement of the city’s advisory planning board. Focus Corporation hopes that the development on the west side of Lakeshore Road will increase tourism opportunities in the area while following Smart Growth principles.

“The mixed use concept proposed will allow for higher density residential and tourist apartments and provide a pedestrian friendly neighbourhood commercial area that will become a destination for tourists and residents alike,” said senior planner Darwin Horning in a letter to the city. “This application takes the stated policies in both Plan Vernon and the tourist commercial waterfront neighbourhood plan and applies them in a comprehensive manner to produce a high quality development in line with the objectives of the city and the residents.”

Coun. Jack Gilroy welcomes the application from Focus. “It fits into the waterfront plan,” he said. Accommodation units would be restricted to the second and third floors, and the city is insisting that tourist accommodation be subject to a limitation of 180 days per year per tenant. While the goal is to ensure units don’t become permanent residences, Coun. Pat Cochrane is concerned the rule potentially prevents developers from selling property. “I was hoping we could get away from that and let the market deal with that,” he said. A public hearing on the rezoning amendment will be held Sept. 24.

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