Sunday, September 30, 2007

Treatment plant funds expected

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Sep 30 2007

Major funding for a Greater Vernon infrastructure project could be in the offing. Federal and provincial officials may be here Friday to announce a grant for the Duteau Creek water treatment plant. MLA Tom Christensen says planning for an announcement this week is underway but a firm date has not been finalized. “I’m optimistic funding will be coming through,” he said, adding that he is only in Vernon on Friday this week. The North Okanagan Regional District has been anticipating an announcement since June and nothing has occurred to date. “It’s been a long time in coming,” said chairman Jerry Oglow. The amount of the grant is not known, but the total price tag of the project is $24 million. “It’s a significant project and funding has been a key issue,” said Oglow. “Provincial and federal support is key to it happening.” Recently, NORD delayed awarding a $1.1 million contract for earth work until senior government funding is announced. There is concern that awarding the contract before an announcement would make that part of the project ineligible for funding. The treatment plant will benefit customers of the former Vernon Irrigation District by addressing turbidity, colour, giardia and cryptosporidium.

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