Sunday, October 28, 2007

Armstrong outlines wish list

By Tyler Olsen - Vernon Morning Star - October 28, 2007

Armstrong council laid out Monday the three areas they would like to see addressed by a review of the regional governance structure.Council would like to see work done to reduce the levels of local government, unify delivery of core municipal services and harmonize regional administration boundaries – such as those of hospital and school districts and MLA and MP constituencies.Noting that the North Okanagan boasts 43 elected politicians and more than 150 support staff, Mayor Jerry Oglow said the concept of a governance overhaul comes from the idea that “it seems like a very expensive way to deliver municipal services to something like 75,000 people in a relatively small area.”

Coun. Chris Pieper said that after looking at a wide variety of administrative boundaries, from those of the local forest districts to politicians’ constituencies, and with the province contemplating change of the governance structure, it seems the right time to look at bringing the variety of boundaries and catchment areas together.“I would like to challenge the minister to look at a complete overhaul of everything from the MLA, the MP (electoral areas), the school districts, timber supply regions,” said Pieper, who acknowledged that such a wide ranging review has the potential to be unpopular.“I think we should start right from the top and pretend we don’t have boundaries and research it that way.” Coun. Ryan Nitchie, meanwhile, said the province and region should look at how best to deliver services to the people.“I really think that there are some opportunities there to streamline services,” said Nitchie.But he noted that municipal councils should continue to have power to dictate zoning and value issues as they see fit.Coun. John Trainor said council needs to add its voice as the province seems bent on changing the structure of regional governance.“I think it’s something we have to take part in, otherwise somebody will make a decision for us that we might not like.”


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