Monday, October 29, 2007

B.C. premier signs treaty to fight climate change

The Canadian Press Mon. Oct. 29 2007

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell has signed on to an international effort to create a carbon emission trading system.On behalf of the province, Campbell has joined several European countries and U.S. states, including California, in signing the International Carbon Action Partnership, which sets up a global carbon trading protocol.Campbell, who was invited to the conference by the Prime Minister of Portugal, is the only Canadian representative at the conference.The premier believes the new program will dovetail with B.C. and Manitoba's participation in the Western Climate Initiative, setting caps and trading goals for carbon emissions among several U.S. states and the two Canadian provinces.Commenting from Lisbon, Campbell says he does not believe his presence at the conference is a slap at the federal government's attempts to reduce this country's greenhouse gas emissions by developing a Canada-only credit trading program. He says global warming is an international challenge and that the federal government was aware of his intention to sign the ICAP agreement. He says he will brief Prime Minister Stephen Harper when the two leaders meet Tuesday.

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