Thursday, October 25, 2007

M-P Candidates Oppose Meat Regulations

By Pete McIntyre 107.5 Kiss Fm

Two North Okanagan M-P candidates have joined forces to call for a halt to BC's new meat inspection rules.Alice Brown of the NDP and Huguette Allen of the Green Party presented a six thousand name petition at Conservative M-P Colin Mayes' office Wednesday.Allen says people want the right to choose the food they eat, and more sectors of the food industry could be impacted.'By fall 2009 that will also include vegetables, fruits and honey so by then, there won't be any more small farms in BC.' Allen says the reason for the new rules is still a mystery. 'We know there's been no reported cases of any sickness from buying food from the farm, yet we know there are plenty of documented cases of people getting sick from imported industrialized food, whether it be spinach or strawberries or beef.'

Alice Brown feels public pressure may force the government to back down. 'If you've got 50 cows and the slaughterhouse is full and winter is coming on, you can't afford to feed them. The SPCA isn't going to come in and pick them up. What are you going to do with your animals when you can't

slaughter them? So I think it's a bigger issue than they (government) thought it was going to be.'

Mayes is being asked to raise the issue with the federal agriculture minister.He told KISS FM, he's not sure that's appropriate. ''If it's a provincial issue totally, I will not be taking it to the minister of agriculture here in Ottawa but I would definitely write on behalf of my constituents to the (Agricultural) Minister of the province.'Mayes also questions the need for the new rules, saying he's not aware of any safety issues with the smaller meat producers.

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