Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Negatives May Outway Benefits of Wakefest

By Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISS FM

Wakefest is looking for a new site, but Vernon may not fit the bill.The summer event was denied a permit to return to Kelowna in 2008 due to problems with drinking and unruly behaviour.The promoter is now looking for a new location.Mayor Wayne Lippert says organizer haven't contacted Vernon to this point.However, he says the problems in Kelowna would make it tough for Vernon to accept it.'Overall its a good event because any event that comes to the Okanagan and draws that number of people is a good economic driver, but unfortunately the crowd seems to have been irresponsible, I guess, and (has) caused a lot of its own demise.'Lippert also doubts if Vernon has enough accommodations to support the event's 30-thousand spectators. 'I don't think we would have that capacity. I'm sure there would be some who would want to try it but I don't think we would have the resources to handle that number.'

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