Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sister City to bring Increased Accountability to public vote !

by ADAM ASHTON October 31, 2007 Modesto Bee

The new ballot language reads:


"Shall the Modesto City Charter be amended to upgrade mayor's duties/responsibilities; increase accountability of city departments by requiring city council to implement budget/policy priorities; establish an independent City Auditor; create a citizens' commission to recommend council salaries, impose mandatory salary caps on city council; require annual performance audits for key personnel; modernize accountability/disciplinary practices; and make deputy directors and attorneys 'at will' employees?"

The Modesto City Council on Tuesday used legislative Wite-Out to rewrite a government reform measure it previously agreed to send to voters in February.The council's unanimous decision clears up language for the "Increase Accountability in City Hall Measure of 2008," which is designed to give elected representatives more sway over Modesto's government.

Key points of the accountability measure include:

  • Requiring the mayor to take an early hand in city budget discussions, a break from the current system that puts that responsibility in the city manager's office
  • Creating a salary-setting commission that could raise pay for council members
  • Obliging the council to hire an outside auditor
  • Giving disciplinary authority to department deputy directors and reclassifying certain employees as at-will

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