Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spending slammed /Public deserves some answers

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - October 24, 2007

A Vernon politician questions spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars on property when there are no plans for the land.On Monday, the city revealed that it has an option to purchase the Vernon Medical Clinic on 31st Avenue for $1.2 million and its adjacent parking lot on 32nd Avenue for $204,700.But Coun. Pat Cochrane doesn’t favour the city acquiring more land downtown without knowing exactly what could be done there.“Before we spend $1.4 million, we should have a plan for it,” he said.Cochrane points to the Coldstream Hotel property as a site the city purchased that is now sitting vacant.“We already have a huge site we’re not working on.”

Acquiring the Vernon Medical Clinic is part of a broader redevelopment effort downtown. Council recently gave two readings to rezone the city-owned Bennett parking lot, at 3006 29th Ave., in the hopes that a developer will purchase the site and proceed with a multi-use complex. The city has letters of intent from the Legion, the Elks and the Vernon Medical Clinic to occupy space in any new building on the Bennett property.The goal is for the city to exchange land and buildings owned by the Elks and the Legion for space in the new development, so the city would be financially responsible for providing this space.

The option to purchase the Vernon Medical Clinic lands is contingent on redevelopment of the Bennett parking lot taking place and the physicians purchasing up to 7,500-square-feet in the new building at $35 per square foot.Coun. Barry Beardsell did not support Cochrane’s demands for plans for the medical clinic property.“It’s not something that’s been discussed by council until we get more information from the land committee,” he said.It’s been suggested the legion property on 31st Avenue could eventually be used for housing.The city’s land committee has been instructed to seek out developers to develop the Bennett parking lot.Developers have until Nov. 6 to make submissions and the entire plan must be presented to council before Feb. 29.


EDITORIAL Public deserves some answers

It’s unfortunate that Coun. Pat Cochrane was the only one to question purchasing of additional property downtown because he raises some valid concerns. Specifically, what is the plan for the Vernon Medical Clinic property on 31st and 32nd avenues if the purchase deal proceeds? It’s hard to believe that the city would be willing to fork over $1.4 million without having some concept of what will happen there.But the city has a poor track record when it comes to these matters.One just has to look over to the vacant Coldstream Hotel block to see property acquisition go wrong.About $2.6 million in taxpayers’ dollars in locked up on that site. While a cultural complex was originally proposed for there, those plans flew south long ago and all there is to show for it is a parking lot. At $2.6 million, that must be one of the most expensive parking lots around.On top of the Vernon Medical Clinic, the city is wheeling and dealing for the Elks and Legion properties. It’s not known what these proposed land swaps will cost, but in 2006, the city was looking at giving the Elks $550,000 for its downtown hall.

And the same question arises for these properties, what is the long-term plan? Most developers or residents have a plan when they buy land, so why would the city operate any differently?Of course all of these transactions are tied to redevelopment of the Bennett parking lot, which the city paid $780,000 for in 2001. In the end, city council and administration must realize that it is taxpayers’ money being used to purchase land and residents have a right to know how it is being used.


Don Quixote Note: The City will be paying the last assessed price of $1,222,000 for the Clinic property if they exercise their option. (Mind you the previous year's assessed price was $944,000 so maybe they are making a great buy if prices continue to escalate in the City's core.)

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