Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tory throne speech promises tax cuts, Afghan vote; says no way to meet Kyoto

Another Leak in Ottawa:

OTTAWA - The Canadian Press has learned that the Conservative government is promising a sweeping anti-crime bill and major tax cuts in its throne speech to be delivered shortly.A leaked copy of the 16-page speech says a new Tackling Violent Crime bill will include measures on impaired driving, age of sexual consent, stricter bail conditions, and mandatory prison terms for gun crimes.Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said law and order will be a confidence measure and he is prepared to fight an election on the issue.The government also plans to announce a toughening of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, as well as multiyear tax cuts for individuals and businesses, and a one percentage point cut in the GST. The Tories are declaring that it will be impossible for Canada to meet its targets under the Kyoto accord, but promise to fight climate change. The government is also promising a vote on the Afghan mission.

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