Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Vernon Crime On Video

107.5 KISSFM

RCMP and the city of Vernon are looking at setting- up video security cameras at downtown sites, to deter crime. Inspector Steve McVarnock would like to see one installed near the Upper Room Mission which he calls a 'hot spot' for drugs and prostitution. McVarnock tells KISS FM, the cameras have to meet certain privacy regulations. "You have to do your homework but I believe a vast majority of citizens are law abiding and would support such security in their city."The Inspector says the cameras are proven deterrents to crime, and also help in police investigations. McVarnock says police have been inundated with complaints about drugs and prostitution near the Mission. A 50 year old man was arrested for selling cocaine in that area, over the weekend.


City Looks at Installing Security Cameras

Betty Selin, Astral Radio Media News

"Big Brother" could be watching Vernon residents by the end of the year.Terry Packenham, with the Safe Communities Unit, says he's been in discussion with the city regarding a closed circuit TV system for problem locations, like the Upper Room Mission...." The city of Vernon has realized that there's certain degree of responsibility they have in safety and security."Packenham says there is a fine balance between public safety and privacy, but says the public will be kept informed and will know where the cameras will be set up.


Don Quixote Note:


This would explain the tender call for:

2 Ea Light Pole Mounted: iMesh Tranzeo or Cisco Routers (Enroute 500 or Air 1500 Series) Dual Radio, Self Healing, Self Configuring, Specifically designed for outdoor use, 802.11a Radio, Complete with all required antennae and all mounting hardware for attaching to and drawing power from City light poles.

2 Ea Light Pole Mounted: Video Surveillance Cameras (Panasonic or equivalent), better than .080 lux capacity, B/W Camera, Fixed Lens (pan, zoom not necessary). Complete with all mounting brackets, housing, adapters for power and connectivity to the listed IP routers.

1 Ea Building Mounted: iMesh Tranzeo or Cisco Router base station for rooftop mounting. 10BaseT connectivity to internal 100 meg network. Complete with all required antennae, mounting hardware and power adapters for mounting on an external rooftop.

1 Ea Video surveillance monitoring software, to be located internally at the Corporate Services Building, must at a minimum allow the viewing of at least 9 separate video feeds, with the ability to select and expand windows as selected.

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