Wednesday, November 21, 2007

City officials meet with library board

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 21, 2007

The City of Vernon is expecting Okanagan Regional Library to clarify its role in a proposed civic complex. Mayor Wayne Lippert and chief administrative officer Leon Gous will meet with the ORL board today to discuss the complex, which would include a new library branch.“The architects will do a presentation and we will answer questions about council’s decisions,”said Gous.However, the city will also ask ORL for clarification on some outstanding matters. Primarily, the city wants to confirm if ORL wants to own its portion of the complex or if it’s willing to lease space from the city. If strata-title ownership is preferred, ORL would bring $9 million to the table and the city would have to borrow $20 million for the rest of the $31 million project.

But if ORL opts to lease space, the city would be on the hook for the entire cost and have to borrow $30 million.The matter of borrowing will go before Vernon voters Jan. 26.“We would also like to know (from ORL) what happens if if there is a no vote,” said Gous of the referendum. Coun. Patrick Nicol is looking forward to the discussions at the ORL board table today.“They are enthusiastic about being a good partner,” said Nicol, who is the city’s representative to library board.According to Nicol, ORL has made a strong case for a 30,000-square-foot branch, largely because of population growth but also because of public demand for services.“They have said they will do what’s best for the community,” he said of ORL.

Carol Williams, ORL chairman, is looking forward to sitting down with Gous and Lippert. "There are questions on both sides,” she said.“The referendum and building are a city issue. We have an agreement where we set aside $9 million and we’d own as much of the 30,000-square-feet as we can.”

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