Tuesday, November 27, 2007

City reviews service costs

by Wayne Moore - Nov 27, 2007 CASTANET

The City of Kelowna will undertake a review of the costs incurred in providing services to the Regional District of Central Okanagan. City Financial Services Director, Paul Macklem, says the review is timely with the creation of the new Westside Municipality. "Reviewing the as is model will help guide council and staff in determining some issues like the impact of the new Westside Municipality on Kelowna's taxpayers," says Macklem. "At the conclusion of this process, the report will provide the city with a definitive picture of the cost model for each service." As an example, Macklem says the Kelowna RCMP Detachment provides manpower and support services to the Westside municipal area. "No system currently exists to satisfy the City that its taxpayers are not funding policing services on the Westside."

Macklem says Kelowna, as the single largest member of the RDCO, currently contributes approximately 71% of servicing costs shared by RDCO partners plus an additional administration fee of 15% on all contracts and fees. Other services being reviewed include fire and regional rescue services, transit, parks, recycling and solid waste management, regional grants, protective services, sterile insect release program among others. City Manager, Ron Mattiussi, says this is not meant to be a service review nor is it a means of by-passing that process. "This is a very high level review that came directly out of the Westside Governance debate, to look at where the city is involved in inter-municipal and regional services," says Mattiussi. "This is a review of what are the services, what is the money we spend and how are we spending it." The report is expected to be ready for City Council review in early March, 2008.

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