Wednesday, November 14, 2007

City scolded for ignoring housing

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 14, 2007

A chunk of publicly owned land is going on the block, but a Vernon councillor fears the need for housing will be ignored.On Tuesday, council gave approval to the Vernon Land Advisory Committee to interview two companies about the potential purchase and redevelopment of the Bennett parking lot on 29th Avenue. Lone opposition came from Coun. Pat Cochrane. “Housing should be downtown,” Cochrane told his colleagues and members of the land committee. Cochrane believes the emphasis of any new building will be on commercial and office space and not housing.“I am very disappointed we haven’t made it a requirement on this site,” he said.

But Cochrane’s concerns were dismissed by others around the table.“As part of the interview process, the committee can raise the issue,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.The two companies that responded to an expression of interest are MKT Arkle Development Management of Vancouver and Plainsman Companies of Vancouver.The city hopes to see a mix of land uses on the site, with the developer also providing 120 parking stalls that will be owned and managed by the city. There is also a letter of intent that would see the Vernon Medical Clinic sell its properties on 31st and 32nd avenues to the city and then move into a new building on the Bennett parking lot site. The city could also possibly acquire the Elks and Royal Canadian Legion halls, with those groups also moving into the Bennett parking lot building.

If the Vernon Land Advisory Committee is not satisfied with the interviews with MKT Arkle and Plainsman, other firms may be selected for discussions. The committee was also seeking council approval to offer a 90-day purchase option to one of the developers if interviews go well. But that didn’t go over well with Coun. Barry Beardsell.“That leaves council out of it. It’s just a blank cheque,” said Beardsell. Ultimately, the land committee was instructed to put any 90-day purchase option before council for support.

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