Sunday, November 25, 2007

Councillor comes under fire

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 25, 2007

Comments from a Coldstream politician are coming back to haunt her. The Coldstream Ratepayers Association is calling on Coun. Carol Williams to step aside, alleging she told residents in July they could move if they don’t want a sports complex. “It was tantamount to a resignation,” said president Andy Danyliu, pointing out that Williams has left Coldstream and now resides on Westside Road. “The community that she’s legislator for no longer suits her.” Media notes from July quote Williams as saying, “For those that don't want that area (complex) near their place you might do what me and my husband did – we moved.”

Danyliu insists those opposed to the proposed sports complex on Aberdeen Road have a right to express their concerns about how it may impact the community through the loss of farm land or more urban development.“She is more than anyone an architect of change in the community. She has voted for every development,” he said of Williams. Danyliu says he is more upset about Williams’ comments than the fact that she has moved out of Coldstream. “I don’t mind if they (politicians who move) continue to come if they continue to care,” he said.

Williams defends the comments she made in July. “What I said was, ‘We didn’t like what was happening in our backyard, so we moved,’” she said. “It referred to how much work there was to keep up with our house and yard. We couldn’t find housing that was suitable for us at this stage in our lives.” Williams stands behind plans for a sports complex, saying it will bolster the economy and provide space for Coldstream residents to pursue sports. “I have had many people agree with me,” she said. Provincial legislation doesn’t prevent a person from seeking elected office in a jurisdiction they don’t live in. “I could have resigned but I wanted to finish out my term,” said Williams, who hasn’t decide if she will run again next year. “I still have a great deal of interest and enthusiasm for Coldstream and the residents who live there.”

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