Sunday, November 04, 2007


Prov. Gov News Release Nov 3
MCBRIDE Government funding of $105,500 through the Meat Transition Assistance Program is helping local operator Monroe Creek Meats to upgrade their facilities and achieve certification under the new meat inspection regulation, announced Shirley Bond, Education Minister, Deputy Premier and Prince George-Mount Robson MLA. “Through the Meat Transition Assistance Program, we’re helping local processors like Monroe Creek Meats become eligible for certification under the new meat inspection regulation,” said Bond. “Small producers like Monroe provide a very important service within our communities.”The Sept. 30, 2007 implementation of the meat inspection regulation marks the result of over three years of work and consultation with producers, and the BC Food Producers Association. Prior to this regulation, about five per cent of the meat supply sold within the province had been from uninspected processors.

Government is helping meat producers across the province achieve certification and is providing funding for individual and community-based solutions,” said Bell. Since the implementation of this regulation, we’ve almost tripled the number of licensed and inspected producers, ensuring all British Columbians have access to safe meat products.”The Meat Transition Assistance Program provides up to $50,000 for individual producers and $100,000 for community-based solutions. When government started this process in 2004, following the finding of BSE in the Canadian cattle heard, there were 25 licensed abattoirs around the province. There are now 47 licensed abattoirs around the province and that number continues to grow. The province provided $5 million to assist in building abattoir capacity in B.C., and over 80 applications have been received to date. There is an additional $12.5 million allocated around the province for waste disposal, including specified risk material (SRM) disposal.
More information on the MTAP program, and the recently implemented meat inspection regulation, is available at:

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