Friday, November 16, 2007

GVSC must divulge figures

November 16, 2007 EDITORIAL Morning Star

What does the Greater Vernon Services Committee have to hide? GVSC excuses that costs for the proposed Aberdeen Road sports complex can’t be released because specific details aren’t finalized are growing tiresome. The electorate is intelligent enough to know that any design is a work in progress and the costs may change. But as Coldstream residents head to the polls Dec. 15 on the agricultural land use issue, they deserve a rough idea of what the project could cost. Keep in mind that taxes keep escalating in Coldstream and GVSC water rates have skyrocketed. As a result, residents are increasingly concerned about the hit in the wallet and how much worse the situation could get. It makes sense that the price of the land remains confidential because that is part of purchase negotiations, but there is no good reason to withhold cost estimates for the fields and any related infrastructure.

And focusing on the financial breakdown between Greater Vernon jurisdictions and the use of reserves and development cost charges is just a smoke-screen. Ultimately, taxpayers throughout Greater Vernon would have to cough up cash for a sports complex and that should be acknowledged by GVSC. By not doing so, all GVSC does is alienate residents further and feed conspiracy theories that the costs will be extravagant. With just a month left before the Coldstream referendum, it is time for GVSC and Coldstream politicians to be completely transparent about how they want to spend public dollars.

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