Monday, November 26, 2007

Okanagan Governance Committee Meeting

Melanie Simmons - AM 1150 News

Four sub-committees were created Monday at an Okanagan Governance Committee meeting in Kelowna. The first group will work with the Ministry of Community Services on governance models, and the other three will look at technical issues: transportation, air quality and water. Peachland Mayor Graham Reid will chair the Ministry group of Governance Models, Osoyoos Mayor John Slater will head the committee on Water, Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd is chair of the Air Quality Committee, and Jerry Oglow from NORD is chair for the Transportation Committee. Working Committee Chair Robert Hobson says the committees will present a report in time for a Regional District Directors workshop on January 11th. Hobson says that will be an all-day workshop held in Vernon where Directors will look at governance models and discuss the principles and issues of working together. Hobson also says the $50-thousand dollar budget for consultation will likely be increased as they work out how to involve the public in the process. The next meeting is December 16th in the South Okanagan.

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