Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rental fee possiblefor Remembrance Day

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 18, 2007

Administrative changes at the Multiplex could force veterans to pay a fee for Remembrance Day ceremonies. The former private contractor used to absorb the rental fee for the annual Remembrance Day ceremony, but the Greater Vernon Services Committee now operates the Multiplex. Its policy is to collect rent on the facility. But with a $2,000 bill possible, that creates a significant challenge for the Royal Canadian Legion.“We can’t afford it. The only way would be to go to the public for donations,” said Ron Heuman, with the legion.Heuman has already applied to GVSC to use the Multiplex next Nov. 11.“We will see if GVSC comes back with a charge but the reality is the legion puts on the ceremony on behalf of the City of Vernon and the city belongs to GVSC.” Heuman points out that many of the people who attend the ceremony also come from Areas B and C and Coldstream, and those jurisdictions are also part of GVSC.

But GVSC officials say the rental fee was waived this year and no final decision has been made about subsequent years. “This gives us time to chat for future years and see how we want to handle it,” said Al McNiven, parks and recreation administrator. He added that a final decision will be made by the politicians who sit around the board table. “GVSC may decide to provide it free of charge, who knows.” But McNiven admits there is concern about setting precedent because other organizations may also want free access to the Multiplex. Remembrance Day ceremonies were moved into the Multiplex a few years ago because it can accommodate large crowds and it gets the aging veterans out of the cold weather. “It makes their service a lot easier for people because it is climate controlled,” said McNiven. On average, about 2,500 people attend the service at the Multiplex.“It’s an excellent facility. This year, I had a lot of good feedback from people,” said Heuman.

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