Monday, November 26, 2007

Save Our Lakes will not oppose the Operational Certificate on the City of Vernon conditions of discharge into Okanagan Lake via the outfall pipe !

November 26, 2007

The Save Our Lakes Society has today just received a letter from the British Columbia Ministry of the Environment and a copy of the Operational Certificate ME12215. This Operational Certificate imposes on the City of Vernon conditions of discharge into Okanagan Lake via the outfall pipe which are similar to those conditions imposed previously by the Supreme Court of British Columbia; i.e., that there shall be no discharge into the lake unless:

1. there are unforeseen circumstances occurring beyond the City's control, such as pump failure,
2. the elevation of MacKay Reservoir exceeds 1935 ft. above mean sea level,

If either of these conditions are met, the City of Vernon must still provide the Ministry with a discharge plan which outlines how the City plans to manage the level of MacKay Reservoir.

Under these circumstances the Save Our Lakes Society will not oppose the Operational Certificate ME12215 and hope that the City of Vernon will always ensure that the spray irrigation program is preserved and expanded, therefore eliminating the need to use the outfall pipe for treated effluent dumping.

Alan Hill 545-1648
Save Our Lakes Society
Vernon & Districts Taxpayers' Association

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